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fpt - Example Report: Program Listing

An fpt project may contain multiple programs, and this is important where programs share memory, or are connected by mpi. The report shows the programs in the project and the sub-programs and primary files required to build each.

The fpt command to generate the report is:


Program Listing =============== PROGRAM GNX Sub-programs required: DATE ERRPAR ERRSCL EXIT GNX GNXEND GNXINI GNXPAR GNXREA GNXREL GNXSDA GNXTXT TIME Primary files required: /home/john/mps/gnx/gnx/gnxsda.for /home/john/mps/gnx/gnx/gnxrel.for /home/john/mps/gnx/gnx/gnxrea.for /home/john/mps/gnx/gnx/gnxpar.for /home/john/mps/gnx/gnx/gnxini.for /home/john/mps/gnx/gnx/gnxerr.for /home/john/mps/gnx/gnx/gnxend.for /home/john/mps/gnx/gnx/gnx.for Sub-programs not read by FPT: DATE EXIT TIME PROGRAM GNXPARX Sub-programs required: DATE ERRPAR ERRSCL EXIT GNXPARX GNXINI GNXPAR GNXSDA GNXTXT TIME Primary files required: /home/john/mps/gnx/gnx/gnxsda.for /home/john/mps/gnx/gnx/gnxpar.for /home/john/mps/gnx/gnx/gnxini.for /home/john/mps/gnx/gnx/gnxerr.for /home/john/mps/gnx/gnx/gnxend.for /home/john/mps/gnx/gnx/gnxparx.for Sub-programs not read by FPT: DATE EXIT TIME -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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